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Health as a Pillar of Peace



Contributing to positive peace by enhancing well-being of mothers and children



Health issues transcend political, economic, social, and ethnic divisions among peoples and provide a nexus for dialogue at multiple levels.


Better health outcomes directly enhance a person’s ability to take an active and productive part in life and thereby contribute to equality of opportunity. Through family planning projects we want to especially empower women, at the same time decrease population pressure and the tensions that come with it. Lastly, by aiming at children to live a life where they can enjoy their rights and where they can overcome troubles and develop freely, we tend to contribute to a more peaceful future.


Contact Eva Czermak at


Project   1: Contributing to positive peace by enhancing wellbeing of mothers and children, India. Project Details here


Project 2: Ni Abacu - Prevention and treatment of diabetes, hypertension and cervical carcinoma and help to people suffering from these, Burundi. Project Details here


Project 3: Burn Victim Treatment Unit in Nepal - A Rotary Club Project. Project Details here





Eva Czermak

MD, E.MA,  Rotary Peace Fellow of Chulalongkorn University Thailand; Manager of Ambulatorium Caritas Marienambulanz (medical assistance to marginalized groups and people without health insurance) in Graz, Austria

Narayan Chetry

MD, PHD,  Rotary Peace Fellow of Duke University US, Consultant Doctor (Laboratory medicine) in India ,

Partner Organisations
Louis Mujawamariya.jpg
Louis Mujawamariya, MD, vice-president of Fondation Ubuzima “La Vie”

Louis Mujawamariya, MD, vice-president of Fondation Ubuzima “La Vie”, current position: medical doctor responsible for the blood transfusion center in Gitega, Ministry of Public Health and Fight against AIDS, Burundi

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Paranjoy Bardoloi, PhD, Directorate of Health Services, Govt. of Assam, India

Paranjoy Bardoloi, PhD, Fulbright Conflict Resolution Fellow Alumn

Current Position: State IEC officer, State TB cell, Directorate of Health Services, Govt. of Assam, India

Ndayirukiye Jean Pierre, MD,MPH
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President RC Gitega Rukinzo 2020-2021, Burundi

Executive Director of  IPROSARUDE (Initiative for Promotion of Rural Health and Development )

Local Rotary Clubs
Budin Borthakur, India

President RC Gauhati West 2014-15, current Chairman Peace Scholarship committee, Global Grant expert

Current position: practicing architect

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